day 1495: Our Signature

 “So King Darius signed the law.”

Sometimes we come to think of how we address a problem as the first time anyone has ever thought this way. So, we tend to come to a point of view with a strong and confident stance.  But, if we were able to zoom out and back up time, we could expect to see and hear many before us who have seen the same problem and more than likely, hear and see the same approaches as our, but we just don’t recognize or know that others walked before us. We all want to put our own signature on all that we do.  And we should, but we also shouldn’t forget those that went before us and were there first.  Does this mean that little is new?  Yep, probably so. We should look at this positively as if we can keep our minds open, our egos checked, and our attitudes positive, then we actually get a running start!

So, what signature are we putting on the problems we face, the ideas that we conceive of, and the people that we touch?  It can be ours, but it must also be counter-signed by Him! When we go it alone and start to think that we are ahead of all others in our thinking and realizations, we aren’t in the place that God wants us to be with Him.  He asks us to follow Him, not to turn that around.  And, while He loves us beyond our imagination allows, He isn’t really all that concerned with any signature that isn’t one led by His hand.

Reference:  Daniel 6:9 (New Living Translation)