“…rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.“
For our faithful readers, you know that I asked a number of friends to contribute to Purposed worKING while I walked the Camino de Santiago in Spain. The response was so great that the post contributions were more than the days I was gone, but that just added to my extended pilgrimage time, to which I am very grateful. Now I am back and want to say thank you to all of our guest contributors. It was special to me to see working professionals step forward and share their faith and how they bring glory to God in their jobs and lives. We don’t say thank you enough in the workplace, but imagine if we did? What if we thanked the security guard for keeping us safe? What if we thanked the cafeteria worker for keeping the tables so clean? What if we thanked the tax guys for being so diligent in their calculations? How hard is it to thank someone? It’s not, but still we don’t do it. Consider the power of a thank you and try wielding some of that power today as aggressively as you like!
We are taught to be thankful for all that we have, since none of it came from us and none of it is ours. I am thankful for those who allowed me to travel on the Camino (good for the body, mind and soul, which I will detail out in next week’s Purposed worKINGS), including my wife Patti who gave me the time and space to travel and be away from home and out of touch. With a spirit of thankfulness our days will start better and those around us will recognize our “up” attitude. It is hard to be a complainer and be thankful at the same time. Thankfulness trumps many other negatives, so if we just start today with a thank you to those who we never say thank you, it will be a better day for all!
Reference: Colossians 2:7 (New Living Testament)