“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”
Seth Godin says there are four quadrants that our work can fall within,
- Difficult Work that addresses a Small Problem or No Market
- Difficult Work that addresses an Important Problem for Customers Ready to Pay
- Work Done for Fun that that addresses a Small Problem or No Market
- Work Done for Fun that addresses an Important Problem for Customers Ready to Pay
Which are we doing now? Which do we want to do? Which one will we seek next? They might all look enticing and each has their own merit and their own downsides. Quadrant 4 might jump out as the one we’d want, but think for a bit what it might feel like to be the band who has a hit album and then ends up playing the same songs over and over and over for the next 40 years. Nothing is ever perfect and it might be that each Quadrant is for a certain time in our lives. Regardless, it might be that the best of this is being able to know where we are and then from there be able to decide which way to go next.
God’s way asks us first who we will “be” and then challenges us on what we will “do” with this life we have been given. And, He gives us a promise that if we orient our being and life to Him that He will take care of the rest. I know there are many who are seeking where they should be today and tomorrow. The answer to that is to seek Him first and He will deliver.
Reference: Matthew 6:33 (New Living Translation)