“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.”
“Plan. Better than no plan”, said by former Secretary of Treasury, Tim Geithner. He’s right, we all have to have plans. Without plans we end up doing and going any which way. At least with a plan, good or bad, there is a common direction to work from that others can see, hopefully understand, and better yet, follow. I have a friend who plans very little and it shows to everyone around her. Her husband says it drives him crazy in one way and makes him admire her even more for her freedom to change and adjust for what comes. But, even he says that they need more planning in their lives. Companies and organizations that are good at planning are typically ones that succeed in gaining team alignment and achieving objectives on time and within budget. Without good planning, just about anything can happen. That all said, when was the last time your organization said, “We need more and better planners”? If that is not a common statement, then you might want to reassess and be sure that the emphasis on planning is getting enough attention. And don’t get all concerned that too much planning will stifle creativity and innovation. I haven’t seen the movie, nor know what its content is like, but I’m fascinated that the movie “Boyhood” took 12 years to film so that to tell the story the same actor was used as he grew up. Pretty creative. A whole lot of planning!
What if we could see the plans that God had drawn up for us and then saw that the date stamp on those plans were tens of thousand of years before we were born? Would that open our eyes even more to the awesomeness of God? This may be how it worked, we don’t know, but we do know that He planned good things for us long ago and that He desires for us to fulfill His plan for us. Part of that plan is today and what we do with the hours we have in front of us. Will we work towards His plan today, or delay that plan by a day by working towards our own plan? God has great things in store for us if we will just let His plan play out for our lives. God’s Plan. Better than all plans!
Reference: Ephesians 2:10 (New Living Translation)
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