day 1493: Push A Little Further

“And so, God willing, we will move forward to further understanding.”

I heard a colleague say that “Leaders always push a little further”.  I can see that.  Whether it is with vision or goals or risks, I think it is true that they take us a little further than we are comfortable or content.  We gravitate to those people because we know that in their own way they are growing us.  If we aren’t a leader, then find one that likes to push a little further, and then hang around them.  We will be better for it.

Jesus took us all much further than anyone of His time expected.  There were prophets who had paved the way, but with each of Jesus’ teachings, He redefined the past and laid out what the future should be.  If He took us further in that day, then He wants to take us even further and for us to do the same with others.  We will never be as effective or redefining as He was, but each day just moving further to Him and pushing others around us more in His direction, then we are answering the purpose that He has for us!

Reference: Hebrews 6:3 (New Living Translation)