day 1484: One Direction

“The one thing I ask of the Lordthe thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,delighting in the Lord’s perfectionsand meditating in his Temple.”

Monday will mark another Columbus Day.  It doesn’t mean as much today as it once did and some will be working, but many still get the day off.  We celebrate Columbus’ discovery of America, but I think we could just as easily celebrate his determination, courage and conviction to go just one direction.  Think about what it must have felt like to sail west and not know if there was a just a fall off that would drop them into space?  They must have thought about this each night when they sailed into the dark night. This is one directional no fear.  It’s hard to find business leaders who always go in one direction.  We tend to swerve, drift, turn around and get off course when we start getting questioned or doubted.  Maybe we need to celebrate more those who have Columbus’ traits to stay on course?

David tells us to be one-directional in our faith.  We are to seek to be in God’s presence .  Not multiple directions, not looking back, but continuously moving toward Him and asking Him to reveal Himself to us. Whether Monday is a workday, or a holiday, let’s set our direction and stick with it!

Reference: Psalm 27:4 (New Living Translation)