I learned a new word last week. Frabjous. It means, wonderful, extraordinary and joyous. It is a great word. And one we could assign to special people. But, could we assign this word to a company? We might find wonderful and extraordinary. But, can we find joyous? It’s not easy to think that a company culture could reach this level? But, of course it can, if we are committed to aspiring and following through. Aspirational and inspirational words can have an impact. It takes some courage to put words like frabjous out there as a target, but who is to say what might happen if we do?
God wants us to be frabjous in our work and our work for Him that brings Him glory. He has given us our talents to be so. However, we don’t just become frabjous. We have to work for others to define us this way. It means doing our best, being our best and bringing an attitude of abundant joy to our work. It’s a VERY high bar. Are we up to it today?
Reference: John 16:24 (New Living Translation)