“For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”
You already know that I am a fan of Seth Godin. This past week he shared another of his brilliant marketing insights. He made the point that in the early days Krispy Kreme priced their dozen of doughnuts at the same price other companies might price 4-6 doughnuts. Why? Because, they believed that someone who bought a dozen couldn’t eat them all themselves and would share them with others. It worked. Krispy Kreme became the office and group event choice doughnut and grew and grew. There is a power in sharing. Seth would suggest always sending two of anything to someone so they keep one and give one away. It does seem brilliant doesn’t it? What happens is that we might listen more to the person who says, “That’s a waste of money. They will only throw it away.” Well, maybe or maybe they will become a marketer for us and share.
Maybe God is giving us a hint on the power of sharing when He tells us that when two or more are gathered, He will be there also. When He is there, He wants us to share those experiences with others and for others to experience what God can do when He works through us. So, today would be a great day to gather with another Believer, or more, and invite Him into that time.
Reference: Matthew 18:20 (New Living Translation)