“The winds were against us”
While not obvious, there are winds in business. Sometimes they are brutal headwinds. Sometimes the winds can be at our backs. But, without doubt, there are winds to be dealt with and managed. These winds come in the forms of competition, or product quality problems, or supply chain issues (yes, we know about these) from a vendor. People also cause wind shifts. One day the team is aligned and sailing right along, the next day there is a morale problem caused by one person that shifts the teams’ productivity considerably. These shifts of the wind are to be carefully watched and like the deft and skilled sailor, guide the boat back on course. We would be be well served to have someone, if not many people, who are always watching and monitoring the winds of change; having the courage and credibility to be able and correct the course when needed, before the winds take control.
There are many examples and accounts in the Bible of times when the wind made a difference. Paul, who spent a considerable time sailing (even surviving shipwrecks) probably knew the power of the wind as well as anyone. The winds of our lives will always be with us and with God’s grace and wisdom we can navigate today and every day. But, like any sailor will tell us, we must be vigilant and never take the wind for granted. Being active with God today in prayer and being with Him in His Word, will be just the life sailing and navigation lessons that we need.
Reference: Acts 27:4 (New Living Translation)