day 2263: Payment Friction

“Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!”

If you haven’t heard of Venmo, you will soon.  It looks to be the currency mover that might just be the one that gets us to seriously consider not carrying cash.  If you are under 35, you probably already use Venmo to pay for dinners and events with your friends. It’s so easy and for now, it costs nothing to move and transfer money from one person to another.  And it’s as simple as giving someone cash from our wallets. How will we financially interact with our future customers and consumers?  Will we hang onto using cash and credit cards or are we going to move into the future and remove all the friction?  It feels like those who are without friction for payments will be the winners.

I was struck in the reading of Matthew 10:8 on how Jesus instructed His Disciples to minister to people.  He directed them to perform the most valuable of actions that people might have paid all they had to have happen, like curing the sick, raising the dead, cleansing the lepers and casting out demons, to be performed without payment. Jesus removed all payment friction from accessing Him and He still does today.  He offers Himself to us without any payment required.  With no friction, there is no reason, other than our own resistance, that we can’t be as close to Him as we are committed and willing to be!

Reference:  Matthew 10:8 (New Living Translation)