day 1570: Winner Madness


“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’”

It’s Award season time.  Patti and I were at the GRAMMYs last weekend and Taylor Swift made a comment to the artists in attendance who were nominated that 80%, on that night, would be disappointed.  Now, that is dose of reality, huh?  While it is the truth, I think she probably could have put in a better way.  But, what ii highlights is that our society loves winners.  And that carries over into our workplaces and communities.  What organization doesn’t like to hold their winners up to others to set a standard?  That’s not all bad, but when winning becomes the focus with winning at all costs being okay, then we need to recalibrate and rethink what message we are sending.

Jesus didn’t celebrate the winners, the rich, or the conquerors.  He knew that the least among us are the ones that need the most and should get the attention.  He knows our hearts and He was clear that we need to run counter to how we are built and not fall in line with only paying attention to the winners.  Jesus redefined winning and today we could spend some time thinking, living and acting within His definition of whom among us is most important.

Also, welcome to the Lenten season.  Have you decided only what you can take away to honor Christ and be in remembrance of His sacrifice, but also what you can do to add to your own spiritual growth?

Reference:  Matthew 25:40 (New Living Translation)