day 1436: Old Faithful

“Spouting off before listening to the facts is both shameful and foolish.”

There is much to be learned from nature.  We revolve around the seasons and we can see ourselves in the  patterns of nature.  I’ve never been to Yellowstone National Park, although I’ve been very close a number of times.  I want to go to see the spectacular beauty and also the wonder that is the geyser spout, Old Faithful.  For longer than any of us have been alive, Old Faithful has been spouting off, on its own regular schedule.  So regular and expected, it gained the name “faithful”.  Don’t we wish our companies and organizations could claim that moniker?  Imagine that our customers and consumers counted on us for such regularity that they expected us to be there for them at all times.  That is what is called true consumer confidence!  And, if we are consistent and regular, we can even “spout off” and its okay.

Few people,  are so consistent that they can can spout off at others and expect to gain the respect and confidence of others.  And for sure, if we don’t have the facts and done our own work to gather and appreciate those facts then there isn’t anything good that can come from our actions.  With our hurry up and be the first to post or send the email culture we run a high risk of losing the respect and confidence of others when we spout off without having done our homework.  Many things hurt our reputation and while it may not be obvious, when we do the above, each time we erode and lose ground with others.  Consider God’s Word directs us slow down, master the facts, and then make our opinion known.

Reference: Proverbs 18:13 (New Living Translation)