day 1449: Inversion

“The commander of the Lord’s army replied, “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did as he was told.”

Inversion. It’s a fairly new word for most of us, but we read about it almost every day now in the Business news.  Inversion is where a US company will merge with a foreign corporation in order to reincorporate in the international country, with the hope of driving taxes down.  We have seen this happen now a few times in the last month and some well-known companies are now looking to do the same.  I can’t fault the companies for wanting to reduce their tax burdens but doing business goes beyond the paying of taxes.  Sometimes you have to take a strong stand that you know is going to hurt the bottom line just to do the right thing.  CVS did that with withdrawing all tobacco products from their stores. (Ironically, their competitor Walgreens is a company that is contemplating completing an inversion transaction). There are many constituents that we have to take into consideration that matter (customers, employees, public opinion, etc.) that go beyond just the bottom line.

We need to recognize more fully that where God has placed us is all that we need and that if we are working and living within the closest we can get to His will that the place where we are is holy ground, fertile for His work to be done through us.  Let’s not run, or create our own inversions to avoid what God wants us to do for Him, in the place that He has put us.

Reference: Joshua 5:15 (New Living Translation)