day 1446: Finish What Is On Your Plate!

“Then Jesus explained: “My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work.”

Most of us have heard, “Finish what is on your plate!”.  But, it might have been when we were ten years old and it came from our Mothers.  But, we also hear the same thing when our boss and others are telling us that we need to complete our tasks at hand before we jump to the next thing.  At work we are not that much different from when we were kids wanting to rush from the table before we’d finished our food and cleaned our plates.  Many organizations suffer from the same problem, jumping from one thing to another before they have finished what is on front of them.  If we just took some time to look at what needs to be done and done well before we start something new, we’d be much better in our company and personal performance.

Notice that Jesus didn’t  say that just doing God’s will was enough to nourish Him. He added that He was to finish in order to be fully full.  And think about the weight that He knew he was going to carry from what He had to finish and still He knew that it was only by completing what was in front of Him that He would be in God’s full will.  We have to finish what has been put on our plate! God will continue to nourish us if we do.  Wondering why you may not feel full today?  Then ask, what is on your plate that needs to be finished today!

Reference: John 4:34 (New Living Translation)