Happy Monday. Imagine that in one of the football games over the weekend that just as the team was about kick the winning field goal that the goal posts just moved back 20 yards as the ball was in the air? If this was to happen, then no one would ever score. But, in business, we do it all the time. I was checking in on some of the corporate earnings calls this past week and one that caught my attention was when Airbnb announced record revenue, but their stock took a licking because the analysts factored in the quarter’s result and didn’t see the 4th quarter and full year living up to the increased expectations. The goalposts were moved. No one can control what external forces do, but inside of our companies and organizations we can certainly control how we set goals and objectives and allow people to know what is expected of them and the clear definition of success.
God has given us all that we need to know. As Paul has told us, the race that he ran was not for vain and his work was not useless because he held firmly to the word of life in awaiting when Christ will come back. Paul is instructing us with his own life, giving us an example of how we should be living our own lives. God does not move the goalposts on us. He made it clear on how we will live eternally with Him and Paul’s message is clear on how we succeed in the eyes of The Lord.
Reference: Philippians 2:16 (New Living Translation)