day 2344: Behind The Search

“But I, the Lord, search all heartsand examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards,according to what their actions deserve.”

Facebook and Google are going to spend a great amount time this year defending themselves from what their technology allows to happen.  What and who are behind the searches?  What they have built and how they are structured to allow open search and access to all has had its own unintended consequences.  And now, the providers of the technology, even more so than the users of the technology, come under the greatest scrutiny. It seems like this could never happen to us, but think for a moment that a customer who doesn’t understand their billing, or a contract that misses defining a clause, or an employee who leaves the company and says things about you that are just not true, will feel like there are other forces behind this searching.

And so it with our hearts.  We know that God is always searching our hearts, so why wouldn’t we do so as well?  We should.  If now, before our day starts, we take a few minutes and look over our calendar, with a searching heart, then we can approach each meeting or event knowing what our true motives are and whether or not they are pure and for the good.  It’s not that would have the wrong motives if we enter into a meeting unprepared, it is that we can remove the risk of this being the case, with just a little thought, preparation and prayer.

Reference:  Jeremiah 17:10 (New Living Translation)