day 2342: Promotion Ready

This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

The time will come when a promotion is offered.  Few people say, “No, I don’t want this promotion”.  They don’t say no, even when they know they are not really ready for the new job.  Far too many times I have seen people promoted and then left alone, only to wonder why months later they either are let go, or leave the company.  Could it be that when we promote too early, that it isn’t the employee’s fault, but instead management’s bad decision?

Imagine being the leader who had to take over from Moses to lead the Israelites?  That would be Joshua, and all along the way for him to be the one to carry the nation into the promised land, he wondered if he really had what it took?  God had to speak directly and clearly to him numerous times to convince them that he was up to the job. We might be facing our own moments of doubt about new responsibilities; a new job, a hairy project, or even a new boss. We can hold onto the same promise that God gave Joshua that He is with us always and if we trust in Him we can be strong and courageous with any opportunity or challenge given to us.

Reference: Joshua 1:9 (New Living Translation)