day 2331: Meltdown and Spectre

“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”

Last week Intel released that their processing chips are flawed. The security openings allow for hackers to implement the viruses; Meltdown and Spectre.  We don’t need to know what these hacks would do to our computers and phones as they sound certainly bad enough that we should take heed and action to protect ourselves.  There are not known answers yet, but if we are asked to update our software and backups, we should.  This is a good reminder of how vulnerable we all are to forces that are outside of our control and that we should always hope for the best, but plan for the unforeseen. It’s not a bad way for us to think as we set our sights on what this year might hold for us in our growth and profit plans. There are many unknowns out there, ones we can never predict, but we do know that if we think everything is going to go as we planned, it won’t.

Are we not God’s processing chips in His software program called life? Of course we are and yes, we are flawed.  We operate inconsistently.  We take up way too many resources of others.  We slow others down when they expect us to help them run smoothly and quicker.  And, we create and add conflict.  But, when God asked us to carry His message into the world; model His peace, grace and love; and to work to bring glory to Him in all that we do, He knew exactly what He was doing.  There is no expectation of our perfection.  There is a guarantee that we will all meltdown at some point in our lives and create all kinds of chaos and havoc for others. So, what are we to do with this knowledge?  It’s pretty simple.  Each day, we are to reboot for Him, replenishing ourselves through Him and processing the world around us through His Word, guidance and direction.

Reference: Philippians 2:13 (New Living Translation)