day 2075: Stages of Adoption (Part 3 – Pragmatist)

“The man answered, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

There are five types of adopters to new ideas, programs, processes or technology.  We’ve looked at Innovators and Fast Followers. Today, we will explore Pragmatists.

Let’s start with the fact that we need Pragmatists.  Pragmatists keep us honest.  They ask the follow up questions, they probe for the facts, the data, the logic.  Yet, they still can be influenced by the inspiring and compelling positions.  Pragmatists, because they not only can be the ones who through their even-measured approaches to getting something done, can be the ones also because of the respect they have earned through their consistency and predictability, bring along those who are more nay-Sayers. So, yes we need Pragmatists as they can provide the balance and checks and balances that we need.

When Jesus came and reset everything in how God’s followers were to focus and prioritize their beliefs, He not only innovated but He also brought a practicality to our faith that opened Him up to all of us.  Could we have followed Him and still kept the rituals and actions that God asked for in the Old Testament?  Yes, but in some way (let me preface this that I am not a Biblical scholar or trained in the ministry) I feel that part of Jesus being human was that He could recognize what is practical and pragmatic in how a person lives. I think that we also must be pragmatic in our faith so that we stay grounded in His Word so that we are not swayed or influenced off of His teaching and way.  Where we must guard ourselves though is that pragmatism can never overtake what we know faith really means.

Reference:  Luke 10:27 (New Living Translation)