day 2074: Stages of Adoption (Part 2 – Fast Follower)

“The man answered, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

There are five types of adopters to new ideas, programs, processes or technology.  Yesterday we looked at Innovators. Today, we will explore Fast Followers.

Some people just can’t be the ones who come up with new ideas, but are people who are always on the lookout for what the new will be and then they step forward to quickly jump on the bandwagon.  In some organizations Fast Followers can appear as they are the Innovators.  So, there are similarities between Innovators and Fast Followers; optimistic, hopeful, creative, enthusiastic and tenacious.  Fast Followers are important to support and recognize.  They are the first people we need to rally as their excitement can be contagious as they start momentum movements.

Jesus had the best of examples of Fast Followers.  With two words, “Follow Me”, His Disciples stepped forward.  Oh, if we could all be such Fast Followers of Him!  Being willing to jump in head first for Jesus isn’t the norm.  Most of us, myself included, can look for excuses to not fast follow what paths are revealed for us.  We can end up being further down the adoption curve, when all He desires from us is to just follow. Today, we will be called to follow in some form or another. Even if we don’t hear anything new, we know that He is calling us to love Him and others, which as Jesus knew, would not be easy for anyone.  So, as we hear Him, will we be a Fast Follower?


Reference:  Luke 10:27 (New Living Translation)