day 2063: Passing

“Those who use the things of the world should not become attached to them. For this world as we know it will soon pass away.”

Ten years ago a new airline came onto the scene.  It was promoted as the “cool” new airline and we all anticipated it would be because it came from entrepreneur Richard Branson.  And so, Virgin America was born.  Guess what?  It was, and is, a cool airline and each time I have flown on the airline, I marvel that the quality and service is heads and shoulders above all others.  And then this week, we hear that Virgin America put itself up for sale.  Ten years and what was is about to be gone.  As I write this, Alaska Airlines is the likely suitor.  What will happen to the “cool” factor?  Will it survive?  Maybe, but I’m not convinced that for very soon we will have an airline called Virgin America.  Might we be reminded how fast things can change by saying, “Air today, gone tomorrow.”

Paul teaches us that we are not to get attached to the things of the world.  Not only are we to not do so, because our focus should be on the eternal, but also Paul knew that the life we are given through Jesus is not to be built on those things that can pass and thus disappoint. All of the things of our world will pass, but Jesus never passes, He remains fully alive today.  Let’s be reminded today that He desires to have us walk side-by-side with Him in all that we do.

Reference: 1 Corinthians 7:31 (New Living Translation)