day 1896: Gym Rats

“Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church that day—about 3,000 in all.”

Why do we call people who like to hang in the gym,  “Gym Rats”?  Seems rather demeaning and derogatory description.  Maybe it is because once in, they are hard to get rid of and they keep coming back?  Who knows, but we don’t call people, “Library Rats”, or those who are always working, as “Cubicle, Office or Boardroom Rats”.  I guess we could, but we don’t. I suspect that none of the ones that get the description are nearly as envied as those who love and are committed to getting into and being in the gym. Maybe we need to be doing something more enticing to start getting our “Office Rats” gathering?

I’m okay with being a “Church Rat”.  I love being in church and will go out of my way, no matter where I am on a Sunday to find my way into church.  Why?  Well, because while we know we can meet God wherever we are, we can believe that the church is the place that the body of Christ is manifested through us as we each worship, learn, encourage, support, pray, serve and give with each other. As we think about how next week is going to unfold, let’s consider that a little “church work” this weekend wouldn’t hurt in getting us ready for Monday.

Reference: Acts 2:41 (New Living Translation)