day 1581: The Color Of The Dress?

“The Word gave life to everything that was created, and His life brought light to everyone.”

Have we seen anything organic move faster on the internet than the picture of the controversially colored dress last weekend? Was it gold and white, black and blue, or black and white? Basically, within a 48 hour period the dress went from the social media feed to being on the headline broadcast media.  Hard to imagine that any time in our history that something could come from nothing to mainstream exposure in such a short time. And what a “mystique” that was created along with fun debate and controversy.  And after it was all over, it was all about the light that made the difference and what exposure of the light that we are viewing the image.  For what we do, the metaphor holds.  What light are we shining on the different campaigns or messages that we are sending from our company? Enough to get people talking about it?

We know that Jesus is the light of world.  Like the dress, what are the colors that people see when they look at us?  Is the light of Christ flowing through us so others see His colors?  We also might be a little controversial and yes, we all will show differently at different times, but if we stay in His light, then we will indeed shine in the way we are intended.

Reference: John 1:4 (New Living Translation)