day 2972: With Or For?

“Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’

Have you ever introduced someone who you manage or supervise?  How do you introduce them?  Do you say they, “Work for you” or they “Work with you”?  It’s a small thing, right?  Well, it is until you are introduced by your boss and they say, “Hi I want you to meet (fill in your name), who works for me.”  How does that feel? There is a difference between “With” and “For”.  It’s always better to be working “with” someone than feeling like we have to work “for” them.

Even in our spiritual journey, we can work “with” God, instead of working “for” God.  When we are working “for” God we can get caught up in our rituals and disciplines and hit the check marks daily, but miss out on what it is like to have God dwelling and leading us from within to the point that we are working “with” Him.  He wants today to be “with” us in our work and every moment of our everyday normal lives.  Let us allow Him to be “with” us today in our hearts, soul and mind.

Reference:  Matthew 22:37 (New Living Translation)