day 2170: Where To First Pay Attention?

“Our people must learn to do good by meeting the urgent needs of others; then they will not be unproductive.”

I am writing this post on the eve of January 20, so I am not sure what will have transpired with the US Government by the time this posts today, but here is what I can predict, there will have been decisions and actions taken against areas that the new administration believes and feels are the most urgent needs. Will they be the right first moves?  They will be if the urgent needs being addressed are truly the needs of the people and not the needs of themselves. New bosses run into this problem all the time.  They enter the new job and immediately make changes that are the best for them, totally missing that there are needs of their team that should supersede their own. And if they addressed those first, then probably most of their own needs will fall into place as they should.

God challenges us to put our emphasis on the needs of others and to not ignore the urgent needs that we see.  So, when choosing where to first pay attention today, consider where someone else has the most urgent need.

Reference: Titus 3:14 (New Living Translation)