day 2114: Audacious Outlook

“Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a sleeping mat. They tried to take him inside to Jesus, but they couldn’t reach him because of the crowd. So they went up to the roof and took off some tiles. Then they lowered the sick man on his mat down into the crowd, right in front of Jesus.”

I read of Elon Musk’s vision of the GigaFactory that he is building in Nevada.  He sees a factory that can create lithium batteries at the scale and rate in a week that other factories today take a year to produce. He is audacious in his outlook, but I wouldn’t bet against him that what he envisions will come to be.  Without an audacious outlook, how far can any of us actually reach?

What is more audacious of an outlook than to do whatever it takes to get a friend in front of someone who can heal them from their lifelong affliction?  We have that story in the book of Luke.  But, what is more of an audacious outlook is that we believe that God came to the earth in the form of a man, allowed Himself to be crucified, rose from the tomb and will come back again to take us with Him to a place that His Father is building for us.  Yes, that is an audacious outlook and one that can assure us that there isn’t anything in front of us that happened in the past, will happen today or happen tomorrow that can get in the way of God’s audacious outlook from occurring as He said it will.  We can fully live in that promise, as audacious as it sounds.

Reference: Luke 5:18-19 (New Living Translation)