day 2121: Just One Hiccup

“Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?

Have you ever had the thought that you could be the one that when the hiccups start, they might never end?  It’s one of those rare things that only happen to a few people, but yet the chance is enough to make us think that it could.  In the technology world, the same can happen. One little glitch in an operating system or in the technology chain can cause unending problems.  I had one of those over the last two weeks.  I’d gotten a notice from the email provider of purposed worKING that some “trial” had expired and that the automatic daily emailing of the blog would cease.  I didn’t even know I was in a “trial” as I have used the same service since 2008.  But, I went in and changed my service options, put in my credit card and received my confirmation that all was fine.  But then, no emails went out the next day.  And so began a cat and mouse game of trying to find the glitch.  Many emails back and forth with a support bot (not a real person), finally a phone call with a real person on a support desk that was only open during banking hours Monday-Friday, and a technical support call that told me it was their problem and if I would only clear my browser, my account could be updated.  (I didn’t clear my browser, I went into my account through another browser).  The technical difficulties also reminded me of how something so simple can also affect us (me).  During that time when I knew the emails wouldn’t push out, I lost my own motivation to write.  “For what reason, if no one can read them?”, I’d say to myself.  There is a good lesson in here that we are not in control of even the simplest things we expect to be there for us.  And when that control is lost, we have to be ready to persevere beyond what can sneak up and start to control us.

And so it is why Jesus had to remind us that our worries are wasteful to our lives and that we can’t worry about the next hiccup or glitch!  Those worries don’t add the moments to our lives, they take those moments of joy and full life from us. That is why our worries, no matter how big are small are to be given to Him.

Reference: Matthew 6:27 (New Living Translation(