day 2095: Pack Power

“For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”

As I write this I am now on hour 14 of a 20 hours of plane time as I travel to Australia for a Board meeting.  After all the sleep one can induce you still end up with awake time.  And thus, movie time.  I finally got a chance to see the new Jungle Book. What an amazing piece of CGA (computer generated animation).  But, as good as the technical aspects are, Rudyard Kipling’s story still holds up.  Proven through time as a book, a comic book, a cartoon movie, and now a state of the art feature film.  Early in the movie the script tells us why.  The wolf pack states aloud their law of the jungle; “The power of the wolf is the pack.”  Not since Rudyard Kipling himself penned the original manuscript has The Jungle Book been able to be told by one person. To make this movie, it took a pack, and it is clear a pack of the best of the best artists and engineers.  It has to make us consider and question, how strong is our “pack”?  We might be a company filled with the strongest wolves, but without the power of the pack, nothing amazing gets accomplished.

Jesus knew about our need to also be part of a pack.  From the beginning of His ministry He assembled people to support and guide each other.  The church was created in order for believers to assemble for worship and to learn from each other on how to best reach others for God. And today, thousands of years later, we rely on each other and without our pack we can find ourselves more susceptible to losing the walk upon His way. If we are feeling alone, vulnerable or weak today, then it’s probably time to return to Him to help us reestablish ourselves in His pack.

Reference:  Matthew 18:20 (New Living Translation)