day 2089: Contentment

“I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little.”

We are in an age of little to no contentment.  All marketing messages are about change or improvement.  Nothing says to be still and content.  Our employees are looking for more, more than ever before.  And when they are not content they let others know and then they vote with their feet and just leave.  Like, just leave, even if only on the job for a few months or a year.  If we think for a moment that we can create contentment then we need to think again. The antidotes then have to be certainty and challenge.  When someone thinks they are at risk, then the flee.  If they are not challenged, then they leave.  We may not be able to create contentment, but we can create other factors that will keep them engaged.

Paul taught us the life lesson of contentment. He called it a “secret”.  It’s pretty simple.  If we focus on God, then all else will fall in line and fall away.  That certainly is a secret worth sharing.

Reference:  Philippians 4:12 (New Living Translation)