day 1460: The Slipstream

“So let us discern for ourselves what is right; let us learn together what is good.”

Last week I took two very long bike rides with my brother-in-law.  Both days the wind was terrible and we needed each other to take turns battling the headwinds while the other dropped behind to draft off the other. It was interesting that the next morning, I read Seth Godin’s blog and he addressed drafting (almost like he was on the ride with us).  He addressed the aerodynamics of drafting, but also added that drafting works because “the real reason is mental, not based on physics. Drafting works because, right in front of you is proof that you can go faster.”  I buy that (but the slipstream is still real) and he encourages us to find someone who we can follow to fall in pace behind them.  That also makes sense whether we do so as an individual or business.  I do see the further lesson that we should let others take on the wind for us anytime we can so that we can be there when we need to be with reserved energy.  Few can go the full distance and win if they have to be the ones to take all the wind of what it means to be the first, the whole way.  I have watched many a start-up just not make it the finish line first because they had to do all the spending to create the market, learn all the lessons the hard way, experience all of the difficulties of the consumer trying to figure out what to do and how to do it. Finding a spot to sit just in the slipstream, ready to jump ahead when the moment is right can be good strategy.

This Christ-centered life of following Jesus comes with much learning that we will be better off if we gather together.  Solomon tells us this. The world is hard enough and the headwinds that we face with trying to live a faith-driven life, can many times feel like they are beating us back.  But, if we go at it together and take our turns supporting and encouraging each other we can create a slipstream that can keep the strongest and the weakest working together. Is there someone at work you can begin to “work together” with?  Is there someone at work who needs you today to take on the wind so that they can gain some rest before they must ride back out on their own?

Reference: Job 34:4 (New Living Translation)