day 1100: Where You Sit Is Where You Stand

“But the Lord’s plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken.”

There has been even more talk about Yahoo!’s decision to remove telecommuting from their benefits for workers.  BestBuy followed suit last week with the removal of their flexible work program called “ROWE” (Results-Only-Work-Environment).  I remember back in 2005 when they introduced this program.  It was designed by two employees and it became a very positive PR and recruiting tool for the company.  The program was written up in every business magazine and was received very positively for BestBuy’s forward thinking and innovation in the workplace.  Now, less than 10 years later, the new CEO is debunking the whole program and calling it a “failure”. All of the accolades are being refuted by new management, once again proving that where you sit is where you stand.  Now that BestBuy does not sit in the seat of success, they are looking inwardly to change. I didn’t have any problem with Yahoo!’s decision to bring back the telecommuters, but I will say that BestBuy’s declaration that a set of leadership principles that allowed people to focus on results and productivity and hanging that out as the problem with the company, might be stretching it a little too far. We have to be careful in how we conceive and deploy broad-based leadership and work programs as indeed times and needs do change, but it’s never good to be caught looking like you are going from guardrail to guardrail for each of these changes can bring a loss of credibility for leaders and for the next program.

We can rest assured as believers that God’s plans will never change.  That is one thing we never have to worry about.  He sits and stands in the same place today as He has forever and all He is asking for us to do is to stand with Him. Are we standing with Him today or are we sitting someplace else that is causing us to change our stance?  As we go to work today and do all we can to bring glory to Him, let’s consider where we are sitting and standing. If we don’t like either or both, then let’s use today to start making the necessary changes.  He will guide us and lead us to the right places if we only lean on and ask Him to be there with us.

Reference: Psalm 33:11 (New Living Translation)