“But Jesus replied, “My Father is always working, and so am I.”
Patti and I continue our trip across the country. At the end of each driving day we have been making a decision. Do we fill up with gas for tomorrow that evening or wait until the next morning? There are pros and cons to each. If we do it in the evening, we are set for tomorrow, but by the end of a long day of driving, we just want to get to the hotel to eat and sleep. In the morning, we are fresh and ready to go, but we end up stopping to get coffee anyway, so if we fill up at night, then we end making a stop just not for gas. But in the AM, we want to get going and a stop right at the beginning of the day feels like a momentum stopper. What does this have to do with anything? It’s the same with how we think about how to end a day and starting the next day. There are pros and cons in keeping working to finish something or to be fresh tomorrow to tackle the work with full energy. We all have our own preferences, but just by thinking about our approaches grows us and helps us learn what can be best.
What is fantastic about our relationship with Christ is that we don’t have to consider when we go to Him, because He is always there working for us and always the same. We should be in full awe that He never tires and never wavers! So, it’s up to us to go to Him at all times, day and night with all that we have.
Reference: John 5:17 (New Living Translation)