day 2837: Checking Ourselves At The Door

“…What is important is faith expressing itself in love.”

The old adage of “checking your (fill in the blank) at the door”, is a good one because what that is supposed to do is bring us all into the room (whatever that literal or figurative room might be) as equals, safe and open-minded.  But, for that to truly happen we all have to participate, cooperate and trust that each other is doing the same.  It’s much harder than it sounds.  We all bring in our predispositions, our belief sets, our own issues and baggage, hurts and distrust, etc. so that no environment is ever fully rid of what should have been checked at the door.  However, that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t strive to do so. There are going to be many challenging (and sometimes uncomfortable) conversations in the months to come.  Many will be revealing of what we thought we’d checked at the door but are still holding onto, or maybe don’t even know we have.  This can be a wonderful time of discovery if we are committed to checking, checking, and then rechecking what needs to be left at the door.

One thing that should always come through the door is our love. Faith in action is being preached across the country right now.  The spectrum is wide on what that means and with every action will come a reaction; too much, not enough, don’t know what to do. etc. will all happen, but the one thing we know, and what we are taught as important is that our faith must be expressing love.  Love is so amazing as we know it when we see it and we know it when we don’t.  As we strive to bring glory to God our work purpose, if nothing else, then let’s be known as those whose faith is expressed in love and the actions and deeds that flow from there.

Who and what will we love on today?

Reference: Galatians 5:6 (New Living Translation)

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