day 2782: Functional Simplicity

“These proverbs will give insight to the simple, knowledge and discernment to the young.”

Today is April 1st, more well-known as April Fool’s Day. We need humor right now, so I look forward to a good April Fool’s joke or two today.  But, likely, there will be those that will be “too much” and backfire on the companies and people who tried to be funny.  Humor is hard when the audience is stressed, anxious and maybe even afraid. We are better off to keep things simple and functional for awhile and do our best to still be upbeat, lighthearted and joyful.  We can find comfort in the simple and functional; like that pair of athletic pants that have become our go to work, go to the store, go to online church outfit.

Last week, we recorded an episode of the Faith Driven Entrepreneur podcast with author and consultant, Patrick Lencioni.  On the podcast, he was thinking forward to what it will be like to not be able to attend Mass (as he traditionally does daily) through Holy week and even on Easter Sunday. He expressed a concern about his spiritual well-being during this isolation period we are all experiencing.  That hits home to me too as I also miss church and all that comes with it to attend in person. The best advice I can give right now, is to keep life simple.  Stay with the functional areas and disciplines of life that we know and trust with God.  When this has all passed we might still do more Zoom hours with friends and family than we did before and we might go out less, opting to stay home.  But, the reading time of Bible and prayer time can and should stay consistent.  They are simple acts and they are super important to having a functioning faith.

Reference:  Proverbs 1:4 (New Living Translation)

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