day 1959: Checking The Archives

“In him lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”

It’s been over a decade since the Sarbanes-Oxley corporate transparency Act came into effect and most every public company had to revamp its policies on data retention and archiving. Since the point of the legislation was transparency one might have thought that the retention of data would have been lengthened, not shortened. That was true with some documents, but for the most part companies began putting in policies that forced employees to destroy and delete more frequently emails, paper documents, etc. that were not required to be kept. Since companies and their documents would become more transparent and open for review and discussion, Chief Legal Counsels didn’t want anything hanging around that could be used against the company in the future. At the same time, since there were now documents that needed to be kept longer than before, new companies arose that would store and manage these in a way that met all requirements but also got the boxes of paperwork, discs, etc. offsite and secure. Archiving and document retention has become a big business. It pays to know that to store and what not to keep. Problems can arise from each, if you are not aware.

God’s archive of love for us is unlimited. He also stores within His Word and His Spirit all that we need to know to live an abundant and eternal life. Paul tells us in Colossians that not “some” of the treasures, but “all” of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are waiting within Him for us to find. Think today what it would be like to walk through the archives of God’s house and to find one treasure after another. That is what each of us can do today by opening up His Word and start uncovering what He has in store for us. What a tremendous archive He has for us and to think, an archive that never goes away!

Reference: Colossians 2:3 (New Living Translation)

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