day 1958: Singularity

“Why ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good…”

Singularity is a science term that physicists use when something unique happens that won’t happen again.  People are calling the discovery, publishing and pre-order success of Harper Lee’s “Go Set a Watchman” as a singularity.  The publisher has said that they received over one-million pre-orders, their biggest ever.  This might indeed be a singular moment for them.  In our own businesses, we seldom have singularity, but maybe we do if we stay open to the possibilities of discovery.  No one knew that there was another Harper Lee manuscript until it was found attached behind “To Kill a Mockingbird”.  What if someone hadn’t checked back and took another look?  We likely have discoveries waiting to be uncovered, if we are always looking.  That means when someone brings forward an idea, it can’t be a bad one or dismissed.  Each and every idea needs to get attention before moving one.  If we are open to the new, then we have a better chance of the unique offerings we have, and don’t even know.

There is the ultimate Singularity.  We know who He is!  And, He is with us each and every day and loves us as we are a Singularity to Him, which we are.  As we close this week in the middle of summer, we can rest in the assurance of knowing that He is holding us as His. Can we spend this day open to the discovery of His love for us?

Matthew 19:17 (New Living Translation)

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