day 1209: Being Disruptive

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations…”

Consider this.  Someone says that you are being disruptive. What do you think they are saying and how should you take this?  Up until very recently, you would have felt corrected and would be trying to figure out how and who you need to go apologize to for disrupting.  That was, until now, when the word disruptive has taken on a new meaning.  Now when you are called disruptive, it can mean that you are being entrepreneurial, visionary, courageous, etc.  Bill Jensen, a business thought leader I respect a lot just published his new book, “Disrupt! Think Epic. Be Epic”.  I was fortunate enough to be one of his 100 Disruptive Heroes within the book. I had to smile and wish I could go back and let me first grade teacher know that being disruptive turned out okay. To be fair, Bill also acknowledges those who are anchors; the steady, the voices of reason, those who have proven wisdom.  To make it all come together, we need both and what we can learn is that we can create strength from both sides of the coin, if we only choose to learn and view all as additive and able to advance and improve what we find as our challenges.

Who would ever argue that Jesus was not the greatest disruptor to ever walk the earth?  He turned the world’s thinking upside down and inside out.  But, as He disrupted, He did so in a way that others joined his movement of disrupting with love.  He today looks for more disruptors to join Him in showing the world that there is another way.  He wants us to start that disruption right in front of us with those that are closest to us, working inside out through those we love, those we work with, those we associate, those we happen to meet.  We are faced with the question today, will be a disruptor for Jesus?

Reference: Matthew28:19 (New Living Translation)

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