day 1208: Split Time

“So listen to me, my sons, and pay attention to my words.”

I am constantly challenged with scheduling issues.  It is not unusual for me to get double booked more than once a week.  What I usually try to do is split the difference and make some of each meeting or event. This is probably not the most effective of time and effort management, but it’s my tactic in most cases.  When this tactic fails miserably is when in attendance at a meeting, event or even at a dinner, that we allow our minds to drift and we start splitting our time and attention from where we are the time.  I’m guilty of this as well.  Imagine how much more effective and productive we could be if we never split time, but instead kept our energy, focus and attention always full and whole?

We are all so guilt of this spiritually as well.  We go through our day splitting our time and attention away from God.  Life is like one big meeting.  God is sitting across the table talking to us.  We are trying to pay attention, all at the same time keeping the world’s smart phone on the desk in front of us, allowing ourselves to be distracted, scrolling through the senseless news feed of the world.  What if we could/would shut the world off for a day, or turn it over so it can’t distract us? What if we could make today a day of no split time, but complete focus on what God is saying and asking us to do today?

Reference: Proverbs 7:24 (New Living Translation)

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