day 3K335: Worrywarts

Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?”

Have you ever called someone, or thought of yourself as a “Worrywart”.  If you have then likely you didn’t know you are actually referencing a comic book character that was around for 50 years from the 1920’s to the 1970’s.  That’s  where the term comes from.  The character in the comics was actually a pest but as time went on the term worrywart began to mean someone who becomes overwhelmed with the thoughts of potential trouble.  We see all kinds of worrywarts in business.  Those that are always worried about the next shoe to drop, those that are worried about their future and those that are worried about what needs to get done next.  There are those who think the latter kind of worrywart can be good for business as they tend to be very detail oriented and good at delivering on operational challenges.  But, for the rest of the worrywarts it can be a big energy and time drain to spend too much worrying.

Jesus addressed worrying directly when He taught on money and possessions.  I love the way He challenged those who worry with asking if their worries could add even a moment to their lives?  He does not call us to worry.  If He did, there would be no reason to put our trust in Him.  So, let’s ask ourselves today, “What are we worrying about?”.  The answer might well be, “Much to do about nothing”.

Reference: Luke 12:25 (New Living Translation)