day 2178: Aligning

“I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you”

If there is a place where we can get sideways is it is in a lack of alignment.  We can’t actually move forward if we are misaligned.  We will end up stuck where we are, or worse yet, do a bunch of something that becomes wasted time or energy.  That is why we must ensure alignment.  So, how is the best way to find this alignment?  For me, first it is sharing a common understanding of where we are trying to go.  If we don’t share where we are trying to go, then how can we even consider moving?  Second, we need to understand and agree upon where we are starting from.  If some think we are starting from one place and another thinks we are starting from some place else, then how will we know what a true start is and how can we lock arms if we are different places?  And lastly, we need to agree on how we will measure how (and if) we are moving forward.  We need to agree upon elements like speed, momentum and our ability to track our progress.  So, if we can agree upon where we are going, where we are starting from and then agreeing on our measurement of how we are moving forward to where we want to go then that set of agreements will bring us alignment.

God tells us how to get aligned in front of Him and that is when two or more of us can agree upon something and carry these agreements to Him. What an amazing promise He has given us. So, if we are in a moment of struggle, up against a wall, caught in what feels like a forever loop, or just lost, then we can together with a Brother/Sister bring agreement in prayer to God and let Him go to work.

Reference: Matthew 18:19 (New Living Translation)