day 2177: Words

“My father taught me, “Take my words to heart. Follow my commands, and you will live.”

“I give you my word”.  Ever heard that before?  Ever used the phrase?  Of course we have and they are a heavy and solemn strings of words that when put together become an oath that represents our honor and reputation.  It was not that long ago that our business was done on handshakes and our “word”.  Today, we see examples of those who downplay one’s words and their “word” is not desired for them to be held accountable.  But, there isn’t a sliding scale here and we need to stand true to our word(s).

Our word is one of the most obvious and transparent ways for us as Believers to walk the talk, or not.  All day, every day we have these moments of truth where we are faced to give our word and to stand to our word.  And the best way to ensure that our words reflect our Lord, is as Solomon instructs, take God’s Word to heart.

Reference: Proverbs 4:4 (New Living Translation)