day 2128: No Debate

“Well, then,” Jesus said, “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.” His reply completely amazed them.”

As I write this we are still more than three hours away on Monday evening from our first 2016 U.S. Presidential Debate.  It was just about four years ago at this time that I attended the first President Obama – Mitt Romney debate in Denver.  I remember almost every moment of that evening but I remember even more the outpouring after the debate from supporters of each candidates as they each claimed victory (although as we know Mitt Romney won that evening).  And then, those victory cries eroded into derisive and attacking statements towards each candidate and we were off to the races for the 2012 election.  And this election season, it is many times worse.  So, expect that as you read this and ready yourself for work today that the debate will be topic one and with that comes the danger of emotions released, regretful words spoken, and personalizing of one’s opinions. On this Tuesday, we need to tread lightly.

In our world, what is Caesar’s is our democracy and all the good and bad that comes with it.  And however we like things, or not, we need to stay above the fray.  Of course we can have our opinions, but we must be careful to not allow ourselves to be dragged down into the personal and derogatory nature of what is political expression.  We can stay above it.  It’s not going to be easy, but I am pretty sure that God wants us to try!

Reference: Mark 12:17 (New Living Translation)