day 2126: Talent Vs Character

“May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ—for this will bring much glory and praise to God.”

I have been doing a fair amount of interviewing for one of my portfolio companies and I have been reminded that as we evaluate people it comes down to more of who someone is versus what they can do.  Yes, we need to have people who can do what we need, but if they do it in the wrong way, then they fail.  So, the how becomes as important, if not more important, than the what.  I recently heard a quote.  It was paraphrased to me so I probably don’t have it right, nor can I attribute it to anyone, but the way I heard it was like this, “Character can take you where your talent cannot sustain you.”  Whoever said this knew what they were talking about and we should take note.

God is all about who we are for Him.  He’d rather see us doing little things in life the right way to bring glory to Him versus big, grandiose activities that might have worldly impact but diminish who He is because we went about them in the wrong way.  For God, our character matters, way more than our talent.

Reference: Philippians 1:11 (New Living Translation)