day 1229: A Once-In-A-Lifetime-Offer

“His rule is everlasting, and his kingdom is eternal.”

Have you seen the new Expedia TV advertisement where they walk up to a stranger with the Expedia suitcase and a plane ticket to anywhere in the world?  There is only one catch; you have to go directly to the airport, right then.  I love the ad because it conjures up the, “What would I do?” and if I could be that spontaneous, “Where would I go?”.  The commercial is great in reminding us that we count on our customers and consumers responding to us when we present them with deals and offers.  When they don’t make the decision on the spot, or decide to respond positively, we get disappointed and sometimes resentful.  The other part of the Expedia ad are the people who turn down the offer.  It’s a once-in-a-lifetime offer and they turn it down, on the spot.  It just goes to show you how hard it is to sell and convince a consumer!

We want to bring glory to God in our work and we are purposeful about this.  But, like all things in life, we can’t expect that others will immediately see God through us.  Ours is a journey of faithfulness, disciplines, continuity and predictability.  If we can today, remain steadfast and the same tomorrow and the next day, then God will do His work on others through us.  Let’s also praise God for not being a once-in-a-lifetime offer, but instead an everyday of our lives and everlasting offer of salvation!

Reference: Daniel 4:35 (New Living Translation)