day 1215: Looking Down

No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice. My body rests in safety.

Can you imagine doing this?

Not for the fainthearted or those who would question their own ability and focus.  I watched this live when it happened.  Among many aspects I was fascinated that he never looked down.  In fact, one of the hardest parts was that he said many times that the optical illusions of the hillside made it hard for him to focus.  But, one thing for sure, he never looked down.  How much of our time and energy do we spend, looking down and worrying about the next missed revenue target, the next product failure, the next bad hire?  We tend to look down a lot and then we wonder why we fall.  

God tells us that we don’t have to worry when we are in His arms.  When we know that our bodies rest in His safety, then really we have nothing to worry about at all.  When we keep our heads up and our eyes focused on Him, we have a balance to our life and priorities that allow us to move forward without fear or worry.  When we look down we are ignoring Him and not using our faith.  Remember what happened to Peter when he looked down as he walked on the water towards Jesus?  Let’s look up to Christ today and bring Him with us into every situation, meeting and conversation today.  Today is looking up already!

Reference: Psalm 16:9 (New Living Translation)