day 662: The Ups And Downs Of Culture

“A glad heart makes a happy face; a broken heart crushes the spirit.”

Why is it that certain corporate cultures are generally “up” and others are “down”? There are certainly differences and of course the state of the business makes a big difference as if a company is growing it is hard to not have some of the downers to be masked. But, growth doesn’t guarantee an up culture. What guarantees a culture either being up or down is the spirit and attitude of the leaders. Show me a generally positive, optimistic and happy CEO and I will show you a corporate culture that reflects that attitude. And vice versa. Unfortunately, not many CEOs or Senior Leaders can stay consistent enough in their attitude and approach to deliver a culture that consistently reflects what it should. But, when it does, it is magical and it’s almost palpable when you walk through the doors of the organization. I love that feeling and I wish we all could experience it every day. If you are a leader, then you have the chance to counter a down culture with your own up approach. You won’t be able to mitigate all of the downers but you can do a lot within your own team or function.

As believers we have to work even harder to be up as much as we can. Remember, we have some good news, really good news, to share and if we are down in our attitude then why would anyone ever want to hear, or believe from us any good news. It’s a constant battle to stay up, but that is what we have to do. Today, before the day gets too far along, stop for a moment and ask our Lord to give you a positive and up disposition today that others would recognize and appreciate. Ask also for your up attitude to rub off and be a part of creating an up culture for everyone.

Reference: Proverbs 15:13 (New Living Testament)