day 650: Open Eyes

“Keep alert and pray. Otherwise temptation will overpower you.”

It’s not new to hear, “keep your eyes open on this one”, or “go into this with your eyes wide open”. These are common business phrases that are telling us to stay sharp, stay alert and to stay vigilant in our efforts. They also are telling us to stay cognizant of the things going on around us and to be sure that we are aware. Those who are most successful in business seem to have that extra sense of what can make a market or how consumers will react when presented with a product or service. I am amazed by those people who have these things instinctively. The rest of us have to work at it with data, facts, logic and the help of others. We might be able to become as good as the others but it will never come as naturally. Still, we can keep our “eyes open” and learn and get better. But, open eyes also means not allowing ourselves to falter, or fall asleep at the switch. We must remain alert and pushing forward to be able to grow, develop and get better. We can’t afford to allow ourselves to nod off in the business climate we are in today.

In no other place was it more important that others keep their eyes open than when Jesus asked his three most-trusted disciples to stand with him in the final hours while he prayed in the garden. However, as we know, they drifted and they couldn’t keep their eyes open, even for one hour for Him. This is the issue for all of us. When God also asks us to keep ourselves alert and awake for Him throughout our lives, we will do so for a time and then we find ourselves drifting off again, proverbially falling asleep. Is God calling you to wake up for Him? Is he asking you to have open eyes for the time and the challenges that He is providing for you? Is the difference between failure and success in His eyes, not what you are achieving, but in how you are going about it? Today, ask yourselves these questions and see if you are wide awake for Him?

Reference: Matthew 26:41 (New Living Testament)