day 568: Pay

This is the time of the year when companies are looking at salary data to see what other companies will be providing in this coming year as it relates to pay increases. The most recent data shows that the median increase this year will just under 3%, if a pay increase is given at all. In a recent survey only 45% expect that they will receive an increase this year. The past three years have seen the Great Recession causing companies to cut the pay of employees to make the numbers work and also try to keep as many people employed as possible. These reductions have employees across the country making less money than they did a few years ago, while they are performing the same or expanded job in the same company. We all know how frustrating this could/can feel. But now companies are beginning to recover and we see year over year positive results and corporate America’s balance sheets are flush with cash. So, now we will watch and see if employers will begin to restore what was taken away or continue to focus on growth of profits. Will America’s employees be first out and last back in? That is likely not going to be an equation that will work well for long. Some of us reading this are in positions where we are making these decisions for our company or our team. While God does not tell us how to specifically run our businesses, He gives us enough direction and examples that we can discern what is right and wrong. In Leviticus we read; “Show your fear of God by not taking advantage of other. I, the Lord, am your God.” As we make these decisions, or any other decision where we have to question ourselves how others are being treated, then we should reflect back to what God tells us and ensure that we are not taking any advantage of anyone else.

Reference: Leviticus 25:17