day 567: Faithful Work

I am often asked, “how we can be faithful within our work?” The answer is the reason that I write Purposed worKING. We are believers and we want to bring glory to God in all that we do and what we do most of all with our time and energy while we are here on earth is work at jobs and at places where faith and God is not a component, conversation, or determining factor of success. It is one of the great paradoxes of life and why God equipped us so well with His Word to use to help us understand how to make the most of being in this world and at the same time being one of His. Books are written on the subject, conferences are held, speakers go around the country and people like me write about it. Work and all that makes up work is relevant to all of us. Jeff Van Duzer, Dean and Professor of business law and ethics at Seattle Pacific University was recently quoted as saying, “God designed humans to work. They are made in his image; God is a worker. And God’s work is creative and meaningful.” (Dean Duzer has also recently released a book; Why Business Matters to God – And What Still Needs To Be Fixed). The work that we do today and have done throughout our careers and will do for years to come is important in God’s plan for you and others. We can never know when the years of being the right example, being faithful to working and living in the light and example of Jesus will give us the moment to share our faith and influence someone else to meet Christ. our work, if we do it right and well, can be God’s work. Paul told the Thessalonians; “As we pray to our God and Father about you, we think of your faithful work, your loving deeds, and the enduring hope you have because of the Lord Jesus Christ.”. Let our work this day and this year, be faithful work!

Reference: 1 Thessalonians 1:3