day 457: Timing

My friend likes to tell the joke that comedy is all about….timing. For the joke to be funny you have to hear him use the pause and the stressing of the word “timing” at the wrong time. Beyond the joke, so much of what we do to be successful at work has to do with timing and more importantly, recognizing when is the right and the wrong time to either do something or not do something. Some of the best ideas never came to fruition because they were introduced at the wrong time. Companies who are smart and learn from their mistakes know that those ideas should be brought back at another time to succeed. Back in the day when I worked at Frito-Lay, Sun Chips were introduced to a great success. Sun Chips caught the multi-grain wave and were a big hit and have continued to be. Even today the brand has been repositioned to catch the jet stream of being green and healthy at the same time. They have done a great job with that brand. What most people don’t know is that Sun Chips were created and originally launched in the late 70’s and failed miserably. Back then, no one cared about multi-grain snacks and certainly it would have been weird for a food company to position a snack that has a fully bio-degradable bag and is made in a manufacturing plant fueled by solar power. For Sun Chips it was all about timing. As is so much of what we do. It may also be that the timing of our rewards, achievements and fulfillment in our work is just out of our hands. We want every day to be the day when we reap the harvest, but again, its all about timing. We read in Galatians how this timing works; “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” God says to us, we will reap the blessing, when? He says, “at just the right time”. Today, you may be expecting the blessing but it just hasn’t been coming. See if you can take the disappointment and discouragement and reposition it to a place of anticipation. For if you believe the promise, it is all about God’s timing. That timing is definitely worth the waiting.

Reference: Galatians 6:9 (New Living Testament)